About the project

Easter is magical, especially in Europe. It is a feast celebrated in many countries, but every country has its own way to celebrate it. People have different traditions and customs. What are your unique traditions and customs which are kept at Easter?

Countries which actively participated in the project: Slovakia, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, France, Poland and Croatia.

  • Slovakia - Súkromná stredná odborna škola, Žilina, Slovakia
  • Italy- Liceo Scientifico Statale "N. Copernico", Brecia, Italy
  • Turkey - TED Çorum Koleji, Merkez, Turkey
  • Romania - Liceul Tehnologic Horea Marghita, Marghita, Romania
  • Spain - COLEGIO JUAN RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ, Cieza, Spain
  • Ukraine - Pokrovsk School № 15, Pokrovsk, Ukraine
  • France - Collège Jean Moulin, Chaville, France
  • Poland - Zespół Szkół Technicznych im. gen. prof. Sylwestra Kaliskiego w Turku, Turek and I Liceum Ogólnokształcace im. Króla Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bochni, Bochnia, Poland 
  • Croatia - Srednja škola u Maruševcu s pravom javnosti, Maruševec, Croatia

The traditions we keep will be the memories our children cherish in the future.  


By participating in this project students achieve these aims:

  • to develop knowledge of different cultures and subcultures 
  • to support the development of tolerance, respect and prosocial behaviour and action in relation to cultural diversity 
  • to develop a feeling for the beauties of national traditions, folk art 
  • to promote knowledge of the cultural heritage 
  • to integrate digital technologies and online tools
  • to support work with digital technologies 
  • to support the development of the student's communication competence
  • to improve the written and oral expression of the student
  • improve communicative competence by using English as a tool for communication 
The website was created for the needs of Etwinning project 
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